Monday, November 30, 2020

The Day of the Slovenian Food 2020

 The Day of the Slovenian Food 2020

The Day of the Slovenian Food 2020 was dedicated to a special challenge. Parents and children had to take their time and had to prepare a healthy meal with traditional Slovenian ingredients. The main focus of the Science Day was the traditional Slovene breakfast. Teachers of each subject had to prepare an activity about the traditional Slovene Breakfast and children had to do it from remote. At Math pupils got to know the traditional Slovene breakfast in numbers. 

At Science they had an activity entitled From Grain to Barley Coffee, at PE the activity was called Breakfast and Sport, at Slovene they had to make a traditional Slovene breakfast commercial, at English they got to know the traditional Slovene breakfast in English. They had to choose three activities out of five. 

After they have completed them, they had to make bread with the help of parents following the recipe that was given to them by their Science and Home Economics teacher. 

When the activity was completed, they had to send photos to their class teacher to prove that the activity had been done. Pupils had a lot of fun baking bread and proved themselves that they are capable to much more than they thought at first. 

They got to know the importance of home-baked bread and local ingredients for people’s health.

Start date: 18/11/2020

End date: 18/11/2020

"Change your Lifestyle!" song

 "Change your Lifestyle!" song


- Composition of our project song "Change your Lifestyle!", under the guidance of our music teacher, director and producer, Odysseas Sagredos. 

The pupils and teachers from partner schools learnt it and sang it during project events.

Start date: 01/11/2020

End date: 30/11/2020

Healthy brunch day

 Healthy brunch day


- All school participates in this contest. 

Every class choose their healthiest and funny decorated brunch. 

The winners got a prize for their class and pictures of it are uploaded at Instagram.

Start date: 01/11/2020

End date: 30/11/2020

Natural Science Day on the Day of Slovenian Food

 Natural Science Day on the Day of Slovenian Food

The Day of the Slovenian Food 2020 was dedicated to a special challenge. Parents and children had to prepare a healthy meal with traditional Slovenian ingredients. The main focus of the Science Day was the traditional Slovene breakfast. Teachers of each subject had to prepare an activity about the traditional Slovene Breakfast and children had to do it from remote. The instructions were published in the virtual classroom. In Maths pupils got to know the traditional Slovene breakfast in numbers. In Science they had an activity entitled From Grain to Barley Coffee, in PE the activity was called Breakfast and Sport, in Slovene they had to make a traditional Slovene breakfast commercial, in English they got to know the traditional Slovene breakfast in English. At the end they had to make bread with the help of parents following the recipe that was given to them by their Science and Home Economics teacher. Pupils had a lot of fun baking bread got to know the importance of home-baked bread and local ingredients for people’s health.

Natural Science Day on the Day of Slovenian Food

This article is published also in the Slovenian language on the project's blog. You can find it here:

Ester Trobec, Slovenian coordinator

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Erasmus Days 2020

Erasmus Days 2020 


On October 16, an online event took place, "Erasmus Adventure". Prof. Mazilu Mirela created the virtual galleries of the five Erasmus + projects, where students, parents, teachers and those interested in the local, national and international community can see photos during the mobility of the beneficiaries. Both events were published on the blog specially created for Erasmus Days. 

On 17th October 2020, Erasmus + beneficiaries from Secondary School no. 4 Suceava have participated in the celebration of the Erasmus Days throughout the event “Erasmus Family - Learning, Sharing, Having fun“. Primary and secondary level students and teachers organised and attended this event consisting of testimonials held online due to Covid-19 pandemic. The event addressed all students and teachers from the school as the main purpose of the Erasmus Days is to promote commitment to European education values such as healthy lifestyle, sustainable development and learning in informal environments. The event was registered on, and we got the certificate from our NA for organizing the event. 


The #ErasmusDays offer a unique opportunity to organize an event, share our Erasmus experience and spread the word about our project. The situation and the restrictions due to Covid-19 did not allow for many actions in the school, so we prepared an interactive web tour through our Erasmus+ activities from the previous school year, using Thinglink ( Further, trying always to promote healthy habits and lifelong physical activity, on Sunday before and after the Erasmus Days (11/10/2020 & 18/10/2020), we invited our students and their parents to “Walk in the Nature” and discover the environment of our municipality. 


We celebrated Erasmus Days with an event called "Five Minutes for Health" where pupils followed the instructions of their PE teacher who gave them the on the loudspeaker and pupils and teachers did some stretching exercises following his instructions. Pupils liked this activity very much, because it was useful, nice and they had fun. They say they want to continue with such an activity because it’s nice to do some stretching as they sit at school most of the day. 


On 17th of October 2020 we celebrated the Erasmus days. It was an online meeting with families. During the event we explained: - The brochure we have made for informing families. - How was the project (name, countries, dates, kind of project...) - What kind of activities were set on it - What countries were going to visit and when. -What students were going to participate (ages). - The money we got from the European Union. We also give some gifts to the families that meet us online.

Start date: 15/10/2020

End date: 17/10/2020






Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Zoom lessons

 Zoom lessons

4th June 2020: Zoom lesson U R WHAT U EAT Slovenia did an English lesson for the pupils of participating countries entitled U R What U Eat. The lesson was about the two main principles of a healthy lifestyle: healthy eating and adequate physical activity/exercise. 

The main focus was on conversation and a little bit of reading. The students where asked what kind of lifestyle do they have, then we watched a video about healthy eating (food pyramid) and did a listening activity. 

We analyzed the food pyramid (how many steps does it have, which food is in each step) and the students had to classify some food in the right group. Afterwards they took a look at the physical activity/exercise pyramid and compared it with the food pyramid. They spoke about their own physical activity and the lesson ended with a Kahoot quiz. 

On 10th June 2020 it was turn of Romania and their lesson Food for Thought. It aimed at pointing out how food you eat can affect your brain and revealing several healthy food options and physical exercises that can maintain the brain's health and improve its performance. The lesson proceeded with some examples of healthy lifestyle daily routine activities conveyed by the pupils and teachers. After their short testimonials, the meeting continued throughout a video about how food affects the brain followed by a few comprehension questions on Quizizz, then an exercise focusing on the use of modal should/shouldn't, a food vocabulary regrouping activity and a make sentences task. The class ended up by a conversation between the students on some given questions regarding the topic. 

On 17th June Spain had a lesson entitled Overweight: Past and Future. The lesson started sharing the results of their research, the students’ of the participant countries explained what were their grandparents’ snacks and favourite games and we contrasted with our current snacks and games. After their short testimonials, the meeting continued playing with some interactive games and doing an exercise focusing on the use of adverbs of frequency (always, usually, sometimes and never) to see the students’ daily habits. The session ended up by a conversation to arrive to the conclusion that our eating habits have changed and our sedentary lifestyle have increased so depend on us to change our lifestyle.

On 26th June 2020 the Greek team had an English lesson Metabolism, Physical Activity and Health. It aimed at pointing the importance of physical activity in maintaining energy balance and health in the long term. After a short presentation and terminology explanation, we watched two videos about calories and exercise benefits. We continued then with answering some interactive questions and doing an exercise focusing on the use of terminology related to metabolism and physical activity. 

The session ended up by a conversation based on the use of the Phet simulation “Eating and Exercise”, which showed that even small changes in energy balance can be of great importance!

Start date: 04/06/2020

End date: 26/06/2020

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Tips to stay healthy during remote classes

 Tips to stay healthy during remote classes

During quarantine we gave students and families some instructions according to the aim of the project. Tips, advices and indications were given to them in order to make a plan to develop their physical skills indoor (at home), and to have a balanced diet. 

During isolation time we sent a daily video of the P.E. teachers asking for a challenge with stuff they had at home. 

Balance games with umbrellas, tennis tips with a ball and a frying pan, little circuits to develop skills and muscle stiffness, etc. 

Everything in order to compensate the loss of mobility during those weeks.

Start date: 15/04/2020

End date: 31/05/2020

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Are You a Picture of Health

 Are You a Picture of Health


- During English lessons, we did several activities with students from grade 9 that are also part of the curriculum. 

We discussed what should and what shouldn’t people do to keep fit, we did listening exercises and written assignments on healthy lifestyle. 

We watched a video about unhealthy food and discussed the importance of a healthy lifestyle on our health and well being.

Start date: 12/02/2020

End date: 06/03/2020

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Seminar and interview with the local top chef

 Seminar and interview with the local top chef


- We celebrated the Slovenian Cultural Day (8th February) by inviting one of the best and highly awarded chefs in Slovenia, our former student, Mr. Peter Patajac. 

Our pupil Štefan Sedmak interviewed him and after the interview he held a seminar about the traditional Karst cuisine, the importance of the local fresh ingredients and healthy food for our life. 

Mr. Patajac gives a modern touch to the traditional Karst dishes, many of which have almost been forgotten. 

After the interview pupils engaged with him and tasted traditional Karst dishes prepared in a modern way.

Start date: 10/02/2020

End date: 10/02/2020

"I am Eating My Fruit"

 "I am Eating My Fruit"

-Showing selected movies about healthy life to students with the participation of parents. 

-The realization of the activity "I am Eating My Fruit". These fruits was given to the students at the time of nutrition. 1. carrot day 2. banana day 3. apple day 4. mandarin day 5. kiwi day 

-Creating a Food dictionary. A basic dictionary concerning words related to foods and illustrated by pupils (working during arts and foreign language classes) 

Its main aim is to be used during international festival of food in Spain. 

Slovenian school coordinated.

Start date: 03/02/2020

End date: 28/02/2020

Seminar about roller-skating

 Seminar about roller-skating


- Seminar about roller-skating. 

P.E. teachers of school invited to all the children to bring to school their rollers during the first week.

Start date: 01/02/2020

End date: 28/02/2020

Friday, January 31, 2020

Seminar for school principals

 Seminar for school principals


- 14.01.2020, in cooperation with the school coordinator. 

During this meeting we had the opportunity to present the main objectives and activities of our project till that time.

Start date: 14/01/2020

End date: 14/01/2020

Documentation for healthy, traditional food recipes

 Documentation for healthy, traditional food recipes

Pupils made a research within the local community and collected traditional healthy recipes from their countries. 

The Spanish school created a recipe book in electronic format. 

Each partner school prepared one quiz or crossword on a particular subject.

Start date: 01/01/2020

End date: 30/01/2020

Recipes Book

Traditional dishes of Spain