Thursday, September 30, 2021

European Week of Sport/European School Sports Day 2021

 European Week of Sport/European School Sports Day 2021

Greece and Romania 

In harmony with our Erasmus+ project, we organized actions to motivate our students to participate in organized sports within the school and to inform them about the beneficial benefits of sports, in combination with a healthy diet, with the ultimate goal of acquiring a healthy lifestyle: 

• Artistic creations in groups 

• Cooperation and creativity games 

• Introduction to the sports of Archery and Volleyball 

• Learning about the paralympic sport of Goalball through experiential approach 

• Interview with players of the National Goalball Team 

• Speech for the pupils: Healthy Nutrition & Sports 

• Speech for the parents: exercise in developmental age • Song: “Change your lifestyle”

Start date: 23/09/2021

End date: 29/09/2021

Colpbol league

 Colpbol league


- As a welcome activity we set a meeting to play Colpbol with the students of the nearby schools. 

We organized the 3 schools in groups of 8 people and they spent all the morning playing games of 10 minutes with each other as a regular league.

Start date: 01/09/2021

End date: 30/09/2021

Dissemination of C3

 Dissemination of C3

-reports on the LTTA in Greece; 

-presenting materials about healthy lifestyle, games and sports outdoors; 

-sharing with students and teachers the materials and experiences gained in Greece; 

-placing all material(photos, descriptions) on Twinspace; 

-updating project's website.

Start date: 19/07/2021

End date: 30/09/2021