Tuesday, October 4, 2022



Song created by Odysseas Sagrados

No matter who you are, no matter what one thinks,

we have something in common, we all are human beings.

What colour is our skin, what shape has our face,

none of all these matters, we're one human race!

We all are so well placed, to move into the right phase

that makes us strong and healthy, happier, wiser and wealthy.

Change your lifestyle, wake up with a smile.

We can achieve what we believe!

Step out and love yourself, accepting who you are,

that’s how you can move forward, become better by far.

Set your mind for action, increase life satisfaction,

by doing sports  stay fit with the healthiest food to eat.

We all are so well placed, to move into the right phase,

that makes us strong and healthy, happier, wiser and wealthy.

Change your lifestyle, wake up with a smile.

We can achieve what we believe!

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Collecting information for final report

 Collecting information for final report

- Gathering data for the project magazine presenting activities during both school years, products, quizzes, pupils and teachers essays about their experiences during project activities and exchanges. 

Final evaluation report, dissemination activities for final project joint products. 

Continuous evaluation process and dissemination events. 

Romania coordinated.

Start date: 01/07/2022

End date: 30/08/2022

Project management meetings

 Project management meetings

Dates: 23/05/2020, 13/10/2020, 13/11/2020, 15/04/2021, 29/06/2021, 06/07/2021, 29/09//2021, 13/10/2021. 

We talked about challenges during pandemic time, and we find solutions for solving the problems occurred. 

We check if the activities in timetable were done in time, and we set new deadline for them. 

We set new dates for LTTAs, several times because of pandemic restrictions. 

We checked the project progress. 

29/08/2022 We checked the project progress. We set responsibilities for writing Final report.

Start date: 04/05/2020

End date: 29/08/2022

Project Summary(updated)

 Project Summary

    The aim of our Erasmus+ KA229 project “Change your lifestyle!” was to promote a healthy lifestyle through proper diet and physical activity among pupils. The projects aimed to shape/ enforce healthy behaviors and develop habits and skills that will help children to take care of their own health, avoiding and/or counteracting health hazards. Our project main target groups were pupils and teachers together with indirect beneficiaries of the project activities (parents, local officials, teachers from other schools, NGO's as local partners). 
There were 2 short-term joint staff training events planned for teachers in Romania/2019("The importance of eating and sports in our life", 2 participants/country, 3 days)  and Greece/2021 ("The way to a healthy lifestyle", 4 participants/country, 5 days), consisting in seminars and workshops on dynamics of a healthy life style - doing sports regularly, being active and following a balanced diet).  During these meetings we also discussed about the plans, drafts and final versions of final products, as well as, exchanged the experiences and ideas for the project activities.
There were also pupils’ exchange planned once a year, however, they were rescheduled because of the pandemic (Slovenia, November 2019, Turkey, November 2021 and Spain, May 2022). Six pupils and 2 accompanying teachers from each partner school participated in, where children had the opportunity to train themselves in healthy lifestyle with workshops, several national trainings and seminars with dentists, local doctors, chemists, psychologists, athletes. We further implemented sports events as well as workshops for children. 
Our pupils were involved in research on traditional food recipes and traditional childhood games, they collaborated on the eTwinning platform, played traditional games, created the project logo, the Food and Drinks Picture Dictionary, the Europe Games Festival Book and the Recipe’s Book. During the COVID-19 pandemic we kept an open channel of communication and interaction with every participant in our project, implementing cooperative web lessons related to healthy lifestyle. 

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Seminar about Nautical sports

 Seminar about Nautical sports

Spanish Students of 5th level went to the beach to attend a seminar about Nautical sports. Including Paddle surf, kayaking, sailing and windsurf.

Students of 6th level went to the near mountains to enjoy the end of school year. The students practiced downfall of rivers with sport monitors.

Start date: 13/06/2022

End date: 17/06/2022

English lesson on Spartathlon

 English lesson on Spartathlon


- Teacher Ester Trobec did an English lesson on Spartathlon. The idea for the lesson came to her mind during the Greek mobility where she attended the seminar in Marathon. 

The participants watched a movie 36 Hours to Sparta that talks about the runners that participate in this unique race and talks about what makes these people undergo such hard training sessions, participate and finish the race. I was deeply touched by the movie and decided to present this event to my students. 

First, we watched the video and students had to answer some questions I prepared for them. 

Later, we did a reading comprehension: I prepared a text, the pupils had to read it and answer some questions. They had to translate new vocabulary by scanning the QR-code of the online dictionary on their mobile phones and translate the words into Slovenian. 

At the end of the lesson they had to write their impressions about the movie. 

Pupils liked the lesson very much because they have never heard of Spartathlon, they learnt something new and were moved by the participants’ confessions.

Start date: 09/06/2022

End date: 09/06/2022

Dissemination of C4

 Dissemination of C4

- reports on the LTTA in Spain, participants' diaries on eTwinning platform; 

- exhibition of the work done in transnational teams(Erasmus + boards); 

- updating project's website; 

- uploading schools' websites. 

- articles in local newspaper, dissemination on social media

Start date: 30/05/2022

End date: 17/06/2022

Class projects

 Class projects

Romania - How to grow healthy(health education project), Say NO to cavities, Healthy lifestyle, Let's grow healthy (P.E project), Spring Cup (sport project), Nutritional education for a healthy life, ABC of emotions. 

Several classes within our school develop these projects linked with out project topic. 

We invited specialists (doctors, nutritionists, dietitians), sport celebrities, to held workshops/webinars. 

We also have a Sport Association "Ciresarii" which promotes healthy lifestyle among our students.

Start date: 16/09/2019

End date: 10/06/2022