Monday, November 30, 2020

The Day of the Slovenian Food 2020

 The Day of the Slovenian Food 2020

The Day of the Slovenian Food 2020 was dedicated to a special challenge. Parents and children had to take their time and had to prepare a healthy meal with traditional Slovenian ingredients. The main focus of the Science Day was the traditional Slovene breakfast. Teachers of each subject had to prepare an activity about the traditional Slovene Breakfast and children had to do it from remote. At Math pupils got to know the traditional Slovene breakfast in numbers. 

At Science they had an activity entitled From Grain to Barley Coffee, at PE the activity was called Breakfast and Sport, at Slovene they had to make a traditional Slovene breakfast commercial, at English they got to know the traditional Slovene breakfast in English. They had to choose three activities out of five. 

After they have completed them, they had to make bread with the help of parents following the recipe that was given to them by their Science and Home Economics teacher. 

When the activity was completed, they had to send photos to their class teacher to prove that the activity had been done. Pupils had a lot of fun baking bread and proved themselves that they are capable to much more than they thought at first. 

They got to know the importance of home-baked bread and local ingredients for people’s health.

Start date: 18/11/2020

End date: 18/11/2020

"Change your Lifestyle!" song

 "Change your Lifestyle!" song


- Composition of our project song "Change your Lifestyle!", under the guidance of our music teacher, director and producer, Odysseas Sagredos. 

The pupils and teachers from partner schools learnt it and sang it during project events.

Start date: 01/11/2020

End date: 30/11/2020

Healthy brunch day

 Healthy brunch day


- All school participates in this contest. 

Every class choose their healthiest and funny decorated brunch. 

The winners got a prize for their class and pictures of it are uploaded at Instagram.

Start date: 01/11/2020

End date: 30/11/2020

Natural Science Day on the Day of Slovenian Food

 Natural Science Day on the Day of Slovenian Food

The Day of the Slovenian Food 2020 was dedicated to a special challenge. Parents and children had to prepare a healthy meal with traditional Slovenian ingredients. The main focus of the Science Day was the traditional Slovene breakfast. Teachers of each subject had to prepare an activity about the traditional Slovene Breakfast and children had to do it from remote. The instructions were published in the virtual classroom. In Maths pupils got to know the traditional Slovene breakfast in numbers. In Science they had an activity entitled From Grain to Barley Coffee, in PE the activity was called Breakfast and Sport, in Slovene they had to make a traditional Slovene breakfast commercial, in English they got to know the traditional Slovene breakfast in English. At the end they had to make bread with the help of parents following the recipe that was given to them by their Science and Home Economics teacher. Pupils had a lot of fun baking bread got to know the importance of home-baked bread and local ingredients for people’s health.

Natural Science Day on the Day of Slovenian Food

This article is published also in the Slovenian language on the project's blog. You can find it here:

Ester Trobec, Slovenian coordinator