“Change your lifestyle!”
Project No: 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063230_1
Id | Activity Type | Starting Period | Description |
P1 | Other Project Events | 09-2019 | First school year: "HEALTHY BODY" – PREPARATION PHASE: Project team selection, pupils' initial evaluation, creating the project facebook group, project presentation through meetings with teachers, pupils, parents and local dissemination through mass media, flyers, posters, banners. Establishing the project team members and sharing responsibilities among teachers. Selecting pupils from the main categories of disadvantaged ones as it is planned in our application. Pupils from each school will be invited to a project facebook group and create eTwinning accounts. Creating the project web site. Activity coordinated by the Romanian school. We plan to implement our activities within many curricular subjects as our project is based on interdisciplinary activities. We will follow a three steps strategy: -preparation -implementation -final evaluation. |
C1 | Short-term joint staff training events | 10-2019 | THE IMPORTANCE OF EATING AND SPORTS IN OUR LIFE |
P2 | Other Project Events | 10-2019 | -Preparing for LTTA in Slovenia; -students get in contact with host families; -Project logo competition. Pupils will create logo proposals during arts and ICT classes. Local selection will be made by a jury of pupils and teachers. Each school proposal will be uploaded on the project facebook group for teachers and for pupils and on the eTwinning page. The number of votes will decide the winner logo. Activity coordinated by the Greek school. |
C2 | Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils | 11-2019 | LEARNING LAB |
P3 | Other Project Events | 12-2019 | IMPLEMENTATION PHASE Starting pupils' collaboration on facebook group and learning courses on eTwinning Learning Lab. Selecting classes for the lifestyle experiment. All partners -reports on the LTTA in Slovenia, participants' diaries on eTwinning platform; -Exhibition of the work done in transnational teams(Erasmus + boards); -updating project's website; -uploading schools' websites. |
P4 | Other Project Events | 01-2020 | Documentation for healthy, traditional food recipes. Pupils will make researches through interviews within local community (parents, local people, NGO's) and documentation work in local libraries and on internet to create a collection of traditional healthy recipes. The work results will be published on eTwinning page and the Italian and Spain teachers will make a recipe book in electronic format "Europe's tastes". Each partner school will prepare one quiz or crossword on a particular subject (agreed upon beforehand) and upload the content on the project website. |
P5 | Other Project Events | 02-2020 | -Showing selected movies about healthy life to students with the participation of parents. -The realization of the activity "I am Eating My Fruit". These fruits will be given to the students at the time of nutrition. 1. carrot day 2. banana day 3. apple day 4. mandarin day 5. kiwi day -Creating a Food dictionary. A basic dictionary concerning words related to foods and illustrated by pupils (working during arts and foreign language classes) Its main aim is to be used during international festival of food in Italy. Slovenian school will coordinate. |
P6 | Other Project Events | 03-2020 | - Meetings with professionals(sportspersons, diet specialists as well as medical doctors), during which steps towards a more healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercising healthy lifestyle, will be presented. Romanian school is responsible. All partners. |
C3 | Short-term joint staff training events | 04-2020 | THE WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE |
P7 | Other Project Events | 05-2020 | -reports on the LTTA in Greece; -presenting materials about healthy lifestyle, games and sports outdoors; -sharing with students and teachers the materials and experiences gained in Greece; -placing all material(photos, descriptions) on Twispace; -updating project's website. |
P8 | Other Project Events | 07-2020 | Even though evaluation and dissemination is planned as a continuous process for each project activity, we also scheduled a joint evaluation report at the end of the first school year. We will evaluate the project impact so far by analyzing the achievement of our project objectives. The conclusions of the pupils' lifestyle experiment will be presented by themselves through a seminar with parents, teachers and other local partners. We will disseminate project products through mass media and local exhibitions, uploads on the project web sites, eTwinning. All partners. |
P10 | Other Project Events | 08-2020 | Invitation of the experts of the subject by each partner school and organizing seminars targeting local people, students, parents, and teachers. -Popularization of the project. -placing all material on Twinspace; -updating project's website. |
P11 | Other Project Events | 09-2020 | -"Europe's Tastes Festival” in each school (prior to the international festival to be held in Italy during pupils exchange). Pupils will use their knowledge acquired during e-learning activities and present cooked food with parents help. A competition for the most balanced weekly menu according to the diet Pyramid. Creation of quizzes and crosswords on principles of healthy diet, using simple e-learning applications. Slovenian and Spain schools are responsible. -Preparing for LTTA in Italy; -students get in contact with host families. |
C4 | Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils | 10-2020 | EUROPE'S TASTES FESTIVAL |
P12 | Other Project Events | 11-2020 | - pupils will visit sport clubs, will meet famous local and national sportspersons. All partners. - reports on the LTTA in Italy, participants' diaries on eTwinning platform; - exhibition of the work done in transnational teams(Erasmus + boards); - updating project's website; - uploading schools' websites. |
P13 | Other Project Events | 12-2020 | -workshops on eTwinning: portfolio, videos, photo exhibition, calendar, handbook, puzzle, conference, magazines; -updating project's website; -uploading schools' websites. |
P14 | Other Project Events | 01-2021 | -preparing for LTTA in Turkey; -students get in contact with host families; -pupils documentation and researches on traditional and childhood games of each country. Pupils will interview parents, elder people from local communities, will visit sports clubs, libraries and work on internet to identify traditional games. They will work during sports, ICT, foreign language courses. Each school pupils will elaborate videos and power points with games rules to be posted on the project web page and eTwinning learning platform. The Turkish school will make a joint e-book "Europe's games". Turkish and Greek school will coordinate. |
C5 | Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils | 02-2021 | EUROPEAN GAMES FESTIVAL |
P15 | Other Project Events | 03-2021 | - reports on the LTTA in Turkey, participants' diaries on eTwinning platform; - exhibition of the work done in transnational teams(Erasmus + boards); - Placing Learning Scenarios about Games and Sports Outdoor learning on project website and Twinspace. |
P16 | Other Project Events | 04-2021 | -workshops on eTwinning: portfolio, videos, photo exhibition, calendar, handbook, puzzle, conference, magazines; -updating project's website; -uploading schools' websites. -Preparing for training event in Spain. |
C6 | Short-term joint staff training events | 05-2021 | WE – EUROPE |
P17 | Other Project Events | 06-2021 | - reports on the training event in Spain, participants' diaries on eTwinning platform; - exhibition of the work done in transnational teams(Erasmus + boards); - updating project's Twinspace; - uploading schools' websites. |
P18 | Other Project Events | 07-2021 | July - August 2021 - Gathering data for the project magazine presenting activities during both school years, products, quizzes, pupils and teachers essays about their experiences during project activities and exchanges. Final evaluation report, dissemination activities for final project joint products. Continuous evaluation process and dissemination events. Romania will coordinate. |
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