Monday, September 30, 2019


“Change your lifestyle!”
Project No: 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063230­_1

Project Summary

The primary focus of the project titled “Change your lifestyle!” is to promote a healthy lifestyle through proper diet and physical exercises among children. The project aims to shape new healthy behavior, and develop habits and skills that will help children to take care of their own health. This will be achieved by inspiring pupils to take up pro-health activities, both at school and at home, developing their interests in areas concerned with health protection and improvement, encouraging children to take up new active forms of leisure, such as various sports, and inviting their peers to do them, and by educating children to recognize, avoid and/or counteract health hazards.
Number and profile of participants: Our project main target groups are pupils and teachers together with indirect beneficiaries of the project activities (parents, local officials, teachers from other schools, NGO's as local partners).
Description of activities:
In our project there are planned 3 short-term joint staff training events for teachers in Romania/2019, Greece/2020 and Spain/2021(seminars and workshops on dynamics of a healthy life style – doing sports regularly, being active and balanced diet).The theme of these training events are "The importance of eating and sports in our life"(Romania, 2 participants/country, 3 days), "The way to a healthy lifestyle"(Greece, 4 participants / country, 5 days) and "We -Europe(Spain, 2 participants/country, 3 days). During these meetings we will also discuss about the plans, drafts and final versions of final products, as well as, exchange the experiences and ideas for the project activities. Teachers will receive Europass Mobility documents and Certificates of Attendance. We have also planned a pupils exchange once a year(in Slovenia, November 2019, in Italy, October 2020, in Turkey, February 2021).
Each school will involve 6 pupils and 2 accompanying teacher in each of the pupil exchanges. Pupils mobilities, where children can train themselves in healthy lifestyle with workshops and learning-teaching training activities and protecting environment and have the chance of being a part of the international short film as actors or actresses(Mobillity Certificate for students). At schools we will organize many national trainings and seminars with dentists, local doctors, chemists, psychologists. We will organize sports events as well as workshops for children. Our pupils will be involved in research on traditional food recipes and traditional childhood games, they will learn and collaborate on the eTwinning platform, they will play traditional games, they will create the project logo, the Games dictionary and they will participate in the first school year to an experiment based on adopting a healthy lifestyle provided by the education through project activities. Thanks to the activities, our students will reduce the consumption of fast food and junk food by virtue of the activities, have awareness about the importance of food like fresh vegetables and fruits, realize the importance of an active life and exercises.
Our families will have a good relationship with school and their children. They will realize the importance of the physical activities for their children. The families, especially the working mothers and fathers, will realize the importance of preparing healthy lunch boxes for their children. The teachers will conduct the activities in cooperation with the parents so their relationship will get stronger.
The project will impact on teachers and students(they will be more open to innovations, new changes, eager to work in the international groups, eager to change their lifestyles), students' parents, local educational government, local primary and secondary schools, regional, national and European health and environmental organisations, which will be informed about project activities and results.
Our project's activities will contain all necessary phases. We will prepare ourselves for implementation project activities(trainings for teachers), implement gained knowledge, monitor if it works with our students, evaluate and disseminate the project results. We will create technology enhanced, student-centered learning environments which organize interrelated learning themes into meaningful contexts. As a result of our project, we will be able to transfer our results to other institutions, mainly schools which will use our project products such as "Europe's taste recipes" book, "Europe's games" brochure and the curriculum program "HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND" which will be shared on a variety of channels(printed, project web site, eTwinning space, Facebook group, teachers' magazines, web sites and forums) during the dissemination process. We will continue our collaboration after the project ends and we will keep contact via eTwinning Learning Lab platform and Facebook groups continuing to update it with our new experiences and activities on the project theme.

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