Monday, February 28, 2022

Workshop by Špela Reš: Children, teenagers and Screens

 Workshop by Špela Reš: Children, teenagers and Screens


- The workshop was part of the activities that school organized for pupils, teachers and parents. Špela Reš, an expert from Ljubljana, held a workshop about teenagers and screens for pupils and teachers in the morning and for parents in the afternoon. 

She presented the hazards of spending too much time on screens and gave some tips to teachers and parents how to limit screen time to children. She talked about computers being a way out for the problems in the family. She put special focus on the addiction with social media, videogames, online shopping and online gambling. 

In Slovenia, videogames addiction is now classified as an illness. The official recommendations are as follows: kids from 2-5 years of age: less than an hour a day; kids from 6 to 9 years old: one hour a day at the most, kids from 10 to 12 years of age: 1 and a half hours at the most, teenagers from 13 to 17 years of age: two hours at the most. 

She emphasized that we use screens to move away from everyday problems. One powerful practice that we should try is digital fast. We are addicted to contents that cause pleasure. Pupils need order and clear rules. 

Applications are programmed in a way for the children to get addicted. Children play videogames too much and they use social media more than they should. 

The lecturer advised parents not to buy their children screens for their birthday. The best that you can do is to establish a sincere relationship with your children.

Start date: 17/02/2022

End date: 17/02/2022

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