Project Summary
The aim of our Erasmus+ KA229 project “Change your lifestyle!” was to promote a healthy lifestyle through proper diet and physical activity among pupils. The projects aimed to shape/ enforce healthy behaviors and develop habits and skills that will help children to take care of their own health, avoiding and/or counteracting health hazards. Our project main target groups were pupils and teachers together with indirect beneficiaries of the project activities (parents, local officials, teachers from other schools, NGO's as local partners).
There were 2 short-term joint staff training events planned for teachers in Romania/2019("The importance of eating and sports in our life", 2 participants/country, 3 days) and Greece/2021 ("The way to a healthy lifestyle", 4 participants/country, 5 days), consisting in seminars and workshops on dynamics of a healthy life style - doing sports regularly, being active and following a balanced diet). During these meetings we also discussed about the plans, drafts and final versions of final products, as well as, exchanged the experiences and ideas for the project activities.
There were also pupils’ exchange planned once a year, however, they were rescheduled because of the pandemic (Slovenia, November 2019, Turkey, November 2021 and Spain, May 2022). Six pupils and 2 accompanying teachers from each partner school participated in, where children had the opportunity to train themselves in healthy lifestyle with workshops, several national trainings and seminars with dentists, local doctors, chemists, psychologists, athletes. We further implemented sports events as well as workshops for children.
Our pupils were involved in research on traditional food recipes and traditional childhood games, they collaborated on the eTwinning platform, played traditional games, created the project logo, the Food and Drinks Picture Dictionary, the Europe Games Festival Book and the Recipe’s Book. During the COVID-19 pandemic we kept an open channel of communication and interaction with every participant in our project, implementing cooperative web lessons related to healthy lifestyle.
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