Monday, July 19, 2021

C3 - “The way to a healthy lifestyle” 12 - 16/07/2021, Athens, Greece

 C3 - “The way to a healthy lifestyle”

12 - 16/07/2021, Athens, Greece

        The educational purpose of this Short-term Training event in Greece was to provide an efficient training to the participant teachers in terms of acquiring new teaching skills and knowledge about health education, in collaboration with local partners. During the 5 days of the training period, teachers shared pedagogical experience, presented their schools and offered good examples of school sport activities during Covid-19, related to the project theme. They also practiced communication in English, improving their communication skills. 

        On Monday 12th of July 2021, in the official opening, The Principal of the host school, the Major and the Vice-Major of Dionysos greeted all the participants. A study visit followed to the Temple of Dionysos. Afterwards, the guests visited the 3rd  Primary School of  Dionysos, were they presented project-related activities taking place in their schools during quarantine. They were also informed about the summer camp that is operating during the summer. 
        Immediately after that the teachers attended an archery seminar about the “Benefits of Archery for School-aged Children”. Archery develops life skills and qualities that can help children increase their self-confidence, social interaction, patience, discipline, and even open up academic opportunities and succeed in school and beyond.
A study visit in the Cultural Center “Chorevresis” followed. After the theoretical approach about the “Health benefits of traditional dances”, participant teachers were taught traditional Greek dances by the expert instructor of the Cultural Center Mr. Panagiotis Bitakos. 
        A study  visit followed to the new Olympic Games Museum, where the participants were informed about the history  of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement.
On Tuesday, 13th July 2021, the program started with a seminar about “Hippotherapy” at the Ekali Sports Equestrian Club. Hippotherapy is used to treat neurological or other disabilities, including children with autism. Autism Hippotherapy has been to shown to improve balance, strength and motor coordination, language, sensory regulation as well as social skills. 
A study visit to the Marathon Run Museum followed, with two seminars,  presented by Dr. Ant. Christodoulos, Principal of the 3rd  Primary School of Dionysos: “The Educational Value of the Olympic Games” and “Linking Historical Sport Events with School Physical Education”. Dr. Christodoulos presented also the educational material “36 hours to Sparta”, a short documentary about Spartathlon Ultra marathon, complemented by educational activities. 
    On Wednesday, 14th July 2021, the participants took place in a study visit in Panathenaicum Stadium (Kallimarmaron), which included also sports activities in the Stadium (representation of track & field sports and medals awarding  ceremony, with hand-made medals, prepared from pupils  of the host  School).  After lunch a discussion and reflection on “The Legacy of the Ancient and Modern Olympic Games” closed the day. All participants expressed their opinion on what the Greek Olympic sport has created in the world and how this sports culture and the Olympic values could  be  implemented into formal and non-formal education process for all types of schools, promoting interdisciplinary integration.
        On Thursday, 15th July 2021, the session was dedicated to “Exploring Mount Parnitha – Treasure Hunt” and Outdoor Education. Outdoor education includes a range of learning experiences designed to reinforce the development of abilities which help pupils understand the world about them and their place in it. Outdoor education means learning in and for the outdoors. It is a means of curriculum extension and enrichment through outdoor experiences.
Outdoor activities in typical or non typical education aim to help students of all educational levels, but also any other group of participants, to try to get in touch with nature through a variety of motor and environmental activities, to become aware of environmental issues, to create bridges of communication with others, teachers or companions, try to gain a different perspective on life and to transfer the positive elements of this experience to their real life. Participants debated and discussed on the issue of Outdoor Education in the School Curricula, focusing on the emotional and social benefits of such activities for children.
    On Friday, 16th July 2021, a seminar about “Positive Psychology” was organized. Further, all participants reflected on the training activities of the week and evaluated the Short-term joint staff training event via questionnaire. Additionally, a project meeting took place, where administrative aspects of the present and the upcoming meetings/exchanges in Koaceli and Valencia were discussed. Last event of C3 mobility was a farewell ceremony with Europass mobility and certificates award.
The current training event was the first mobility of the project after the Covid-19 pandemic, giving partners the opportunity to restart, reconnect and live a wonderful learning experience, after several months of quarantine and e-learning. During this mobility all participants were able to interact with each other efficiently,  building further on the cooperation basis and the valuable experience created in the previous mobilities. 

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