Thursday, December 30, 2021

Christmas Traditions in Slovenia – Cultural Day

 Christmas Traditions in Slovenia – Cultural Day

Pupils had a cultural day where they did a research about Slovene Christmas traditions, their origins, Slovenian Christmas customs, history, the history of decorating the Christmas tree, Santa Claus and Godfather Frost and typical Christmas sweets.

Start date: 24/12/2021

End date: 24/12/2021

Challenge “5 running races”

 Challenge “5 running races”


- We presented the challenge “5 running races”. 

Once a month, on Sunday morning, a popular race is organized by local authorities in Valencia. 

Children can participate by buying a number for one euro. 

We go there and run with them, and take note of every assistant. 

If they come more than 3 races they get a cup with Erasmus project logo and school logo at the end of school term.

Start date: 01/12/2021

End date: 22/12/2021

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

School camp (called School in Nature in Slovenian)

 School camp (called School in Nature in Slovenian)

The camp took place in Gorenje nad Zrečami, near Maribor. 

Pupils had several workshops about the importance of pristine drinking water on the ecosystem. 

They specified the animals and plants in the brook, they measured the pH of the soil and they thought about the influence of inanimate factors on different organisms. 

They learnt a lot about the importance of pristine water on the preservation of the living species not only in water, but also in the ground and elsewhere. 

They had a workshop entitled “Feel the Nature” where they did various experiments where they learnt many natural laws. 

Pupils also took part in a long, 15-kilometre hike.

Start date: 22/11/2021

End date: 26/11/2021

Dissemination of C5

 Dissemination of C5

- reports on the LTTA in Turkey, participants' diaries on eTwinning platform; 

- exhibition of the work done in transnational teams (Erasmus + boards);

-updating project's website;  

-uploading schools' websites. 

-dissemination in local newspaper, social media

Spain: Dissemination of Turkish mobility

Start date: 15/11/2021

End date: 30/11/2021

Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

Monday, 8th November 2021: 

Welcome ceremony. A cultural meeting at the school conference hall with the presentations of all partners.

Performance of traditional song: host pupils with the help of host teachers chose one traditional song which they presented to guests. 

- Preparing the games festival, learning rules, making mixed teams The opening ceremony began with cultural programme followed by presentation of the traditional games. Turkish pupils (Classes:2I-2F) showed their choreography. Afterwards, the guests visited the school and attended the classes ( 1G- 3C- 4H ).

Teachers attended the pupils workshops. The workshop (flash mob) was conducted by Ayse MIRZAOGLU. At the same time, the pupils had physical activities in Gym. 

Tuesday, 9th November 2021, Pupils attended a seminar given by a local partner of the Turkish NGO, which provided information at an extended level about active leisure and integration of sports activities in everyday life. The all groups visited the Ormanya Park natural forest for tracking. 

Wednesday, 10th November 2021: Games dictionary. The pupils prepared, at home, Power point presentation about traditional games and they presented 8 games during activity called Game Dictionary . All partners agreed about which games should be in the dictionary and they noticed that some games have variation in each country. We decided to add this variations in our dictionary. Thursday, 11th November 2021: "Europe's games festival". After demonstrating how to play the games, pupils played each partners' traditional games in an international competition, in the gym. Pupils made mixed teams combining all partner schools. 

Friday, 12th November 2021: LTTA conclusions and evaluation; feedback forms filled in. 

Farewell ceremony, Europass Mobility Documents and certificates awarded.

Start date: 08/11/2021

End date: 12/11/2021

Preparations for C5

 Preparations for C5

-preparing for LTTA in Turkey; 

-pupils documentation and researches on traditional and childhood games of each country. 

Pupils interviewed parents, elder people from local communities, visited sports clubs, libraries and work on internet to identify traditional games. 

They worked during sports, ICT, foreign language courses. 

Each school pupils elaborated videos and power points with games rules to be posted on the project web page and eTwinning learning platform. 

The Turkish school made a joint e-book "European Games Festival". Turkish and Greek school coordinated.

Start date: 01/10/2021

End date: 05/11/2021




- “Healthy lifestyle” seminars on ZOOM meeting by nutritionist from İzmit SEKA State Hospital ( 200 pupils & 250 parents)

Start date: 18/11/2020

End date: 19/11/2020

Monday, November 15, 2021

C4 - “European Games Festival” 8 - 12/11/2021, Kocaeli, Turkey

 C4 - “European Games Festival”

8 - 12/11/2021, Kocaeli, Turkey

        The educational goal of the short-term exchange of groups of pupils event in Turkey was to promote a healthy lifestyle through games, dance and physical exercises among pupils. 

Monday, 8th November 2021: Welcome ceremony. A cultural meeting at the school conference hall with the presentations of all partners. Performance of traditional song: host pupils with the help of host teachers  choose one traditional song which they  presented to guests, preparing the games festival, learning rules, making mixed teams.

The opening ceremony began with cultural program followed by presentation of the traditional games. Turkish pupils (Classes:2I-2F) showed their choreography. Afterwards, the guests visited the school and attended the classes ( 1G- 3C- 4H ). Teachers attended the pupils workshops. The workshop (flash mob) was conducted by Ayse MIRZAOGLU. At the same time, the pupils had physical activities in Gym. 

        Tuesday, 9th November 2021, Pupils attended a seminar given by a local partner of the Turkish NGO, which provided information at an extended level about active leisure and integration of sports activities in everyday life. The all groups visited the Ormanya Park natural forest for trekking.
        Wednesday, 10th November 2021: Games dictionary. The  pupils prepared, at home, power point presentation about traditional games and they presented 8 games during activity called Game Dictionary. All partners agreed about which games should be in the dictionary and they noticed that some games have variation in each country. We decided to add this variations in our dictionary.
        Thursday, 11th November 2021: "Europe's games festival". After demonstrating how to play the games, pupils played each partners' traditional games in an international competition, in the gym. Pupils made mixed teams combining all partner schools.
Friday, 12th November 2021: LTTA conclusions and evaluation; feedback forms  filled in. Farewell ceremony, Europass Mobility Documents and certificates awarded.
This training event has given us the opportunity to live a wonderful and learning experience which has created a bridge among Turkish pupils and the pupils from the participating countries different cultures.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Erasmus Days 2021

 Erasmus Days 2021


- On 14th October 2021, Erasmus + beneficiaries from Secondary School no. 4 Suceava have participated in the celebration of the Erasmus Days throughout the event “Erasmus-Edu-venture“. Primary and secondary level students and teachers organized and attended this event consisting of testimonials held online due to Covid-19 pandemic. 

The event addressed all students and teachers from the school as the main purpose of the Erasmus Days is to promote commitment to European education values such as healthy lifestyle, sustainable development and learning in informal environments. 

Also during the Erasmus Days 2021 event, on October 15, another online event took place, "Erasmus Evergreen Memories". Prof. Mazilu Mirela created the virtual galleries of the five Erasmus + projects, where students, parents, teachers and those interested in the local, national and international community can see photos during the mobility of the beneficiaries. In addition, as part of Erasmus Days Event, our school organized on 16th The National Symposium “Educaie european în coala noastr”(over 60 participants) and the contest “Discover Europe – United in diversity”. The winners presented their work during Erasmus-Edu-venture. The events were published on the blog specially created for Erasmus Days. 

The event was registered on, and we got the certificate from our NA for organizing the event. 


- The schools were still under Covid-19 restriction this year, that did not allow live events with guests at school during the #ErasmusDays 2021, so we enriched our interactive "Change your lifestyle" poster with all our school’s actions since the start of the project in 2019. 

Also, on 15/10/2021, after their Physical Education lesson, 4th and 5th graders formed the words "Erasmus Days" with their bodies on the basketball court. Finally, we asked the students who had participated in the mobility to Slovenia in 2019 to send a short video with their experience in this educational trip. 


- We celebrated Erasmus Days 2021 with Mini Olympics for the young students and with dancing for the older ones. In this year's mini olympics children tried five different sports. Each group had an 11-minute workout on an individual station. After 11 minutes were over, the group changed the station. Each generation of children was present for 60 minutes. All the children got an acknowledgment at the end of the event and an ice-cream. 

On station 1 they tried playing handball, on station 2 there was basketball, on station 3 football, on station 4 athletics and on station 5 bocce. Students from the third three-year period prepared a video of what they learn in their dancing classes.

Start date: 14/10/2021

End date: 16/10/2021


Thursday, September 30, 2021

European Week of Sport/European School Sports Day 2021

 European Week of Sport/European School Sports Day 2021

Greece and Romania 

In harmony with our Erasmus+ project, we organized actions to motivate our students to participate in organized sports within the school and to inform them about the beneficial benefits of sports, in combination with a healthy diet, with the ultimate goal of acquiring a healthy lifestyle: 

• Artistic creations in groups 

• Cooperation and creativity games 

• Introduction to the sports of Archery and Volleyball 

• Learning about the paralympic sport of Goalball through experiential approach 

• Interview with players of the National Goalball Team 

• Speech for the pupils: Healthy Nutrition & Sports 

• Speech for the parents: exercise in developmental age • Song: “Change your lifestyle”

Start date: 23/09/2021

End date: 29/09/2021

Colpbol league

 Colpbol league


- As a welcome activity we set a meeting to play Colpbol with the students of the nearby schools. 

We organized the 3 schools in groups of 8 people and they spent all the morning playing games of 10 minutes with each other as a regular league.

Start date: 01/09/2021

End date: 30/09/2021

Dissemination of C3

 Dissemination of C3

-reports on the LTTA in Greece; 

-presenting materials about healthy lifestyle, games and sports outdoors; 

-sharing with students and teachers the materials and experiences gained in Greece; 

-placing all material(photos, descriptions) on Twinspace; 

-updating project's website.

Start date: 19/07/2021

End date: 30/09/2021

Monday, July 19, 2021

C3 - “The way to a healthy lifestyle” 12 - 16/07/2021, Athens, Greece

 C3 - “The way to a healthy lifestyle”

12 - 16/07/2021, Athens, Greece

        The educational purpose of this Short-term Training event in Greece was to provide an efficient training to the participant teachers in terms of acquiring new teaching skills and knowledge about health education, in collaboration with local partners. During the 5 days of the training period, teachers shared pedagogical experience, presented their schools and offered good examples of school sport activities during Covid-19, related to the project theme. They also practiced communication in English, improving their communication skills. 

        On Monday 12th of July 2021, in the official opening, The Principal of the host school, the Major and the Vice-Major of Dionysos greeted all the participants. A study visit followed to the Temple of Dionysos. Afterwards, the guests visited the 3rd  Primary School of  Dionysos, were they presented project-related activities taking place in their schools during quarantine. They were also informed about the summer camp that is operating during the summer. 
        Immediately after that the teachers attended an archery seminar about the “Benefits of Archery for School-aged Children”. Archery develops life skills and qualities that can help children increase their self-confidence, social interaction, patience, discipline, and even open up academic opportunities and succeed in school and beyond.
A study visit in the Cultural Center “Chorevresis” followed. After the theoretical approach about the “Health benefits of traditional dances”, participant teachers were taught traditional Greek dances by the expert instructor of the Cultural Center Mr. Panagiotis Bitakos. 
        A study  visit followed to the new Olympic Games Museum, where the participants were informed about the history  of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement.
On Tuesday, 13th July 2021, the program started with a seminar about “Hippotherapy” at the Ekali Sports Equestrian Club. Hippotherapy is used to treat neurological or other disabilities, including children with autism. Autism Hippotherapy has been to shown to improve balance, strength and motor coordination, language, sensory regulation as well as social skills. 
A study visit to the Marathon Run Museum followed, with two seminars,  presented by Dr. Ant. Christodoulos, Principal of the 3rd  Primary School of Dionysos: “The Educational Value of the Olympic Games” and “Linking Historical Sport Events with School Physical Education”. Dr. Christodoulos presented also the educational material “36 hours to Sparta”, a short documentary about Spartathlon Ultra marathon, complemented by educational activities. 
    On Wednesday, 14th July 2021, the participants took place in a study visit in Panathenaicum Stadium (Kallimarmaron), which included also sports activities in the Stadium (representation of track & field sports and medals awarding  ceremony, with hand-made medals, prepared from pupils  of the host  School).  After lunch a discussion and reflection on “The Legacy of the Ancient and Modern Olympic Games” closed the day. All participants expressed their opinion on what the Greek Olympic sport has created in the world and how this sports culture and the Olympic values could  be  implemented into formal and non-formal education process for all types of schools, promoting interdisciplinary integration.
        On Thursday, 15th July 2021, the session was dedicated to “Exploring Mount Parnitha – Treasure Hunt” and Outdoor Education. Outdoor education includes a range of learning experiences designed to reinforce the development of abilities which help pupils understand the world about them and their place in it. Outdoor education means learning in and for the outdoors. It is a means of curriculum extension and enrichment through outdoor experiences.
Outdoor activities in typical or non typical education aim to help students of all educational levels, but also any other group of participants, to try to get in touch with nature through a variety of motor and environmental activities, to become aware of environmental issues, to create bridges of communication with others, teachers or companions, try to gain a different perspective on life and to transfer the positive elements of this experience to their real life. Participants debated and discussed on the issue of Outdoor Education in the School Curricula, focusing on the emotional and social benefits of such activities for children.
    On Friday, 16th July 2021, a seminar about “Positive Psychology” was organized. Further, all participants reflected on the training activities of the week and evaluated the Short-term joint staff training event via questionnaire. Additionally, a project meeting took place, where administrative aspects of the present and the upcoming meetings/exchanges in Koaceli and Valencia were discussed. Last event of C3 mobility was a farewell ceremony with Europass mobility and certificates award.
The current training event was the first mobility of the project after the Covid-19 pandemic, giving partners the opportunity to restart, reconnect and live a wonderful learning experience, after several months of quarantine and e-learning. During this mobility all participants were able to interact with each other efficiently,  building further on the cooperation basis and the valuable experience created in the previous mobilities. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Nautical sports

 Nautical sports


- Students of 5th level went to the beach to attend a seminar about Nautical sports. 

Including Paddle surf, kayaking, sailing and windsurf. 

- Students of 6th level went to the near mountains to enjoy the end of school year. The activity lasted two days and one night. The students practiced downfall of rivers with sport monitors.

Start date: 01/06/2021

End date: 30/06/2021

1st June Cup

 1st June Cup


- We organized sport competitions: football, basket-ball, games, relay races.

Start date: 01/06/2021

End date: 11/06/2021

Monday, May 31, 2021

Europe Day - webinar

 Europe Day - webinar


- We celebrated Europe Day online, watching ppt, videos about European symbols, values. 

Pupils presented their opinion about being child of Europe, and also presented their own Erasmus experience. 

They created acrostics, posters and drawings.

Start date: 09/05/2021

End date: 09/05/2021

Exercise challenge!

 Exercise challenge!


- As part of our project and on the occasion of the World Sports Day for Development and Peace (April 6), as well as the World Health Day (April 7), we invited families from our school to… count their steps, starting from Monday 12/04/2021 and for exactly 4 weeks! 

Whether they were walking, jogging, running, cycling, or dancing, they had to record their daily physical activity using technology (smart phones, smart watches, apps, etc.), trying to reach the goal of 30 km in 4 weeks!

Start date: 12/04/2021

End date: 09/05/2021

Friday, April 30, 2021



TURKEY - We visited the Kağıtspor Volleyball Team with 3rd grade pupils. ( Total:96 pupils)

Start date: 28/04/2021

End date: 28/04/2021

Trekking activities

 Trekking activities


- We joined the “Trekking activities” organized by Kocaeli Metropolitian Municipality. ( 70 pupils & 88 parents )

Start date: 23/04/2021

End date: 23/04/2021

Webinar on Positive Psychology: "Be the best you - Positive Psychology in practice”

 Webinar on Positive Psychology: 

"Be the best you - Positive Psychology in practice”


- On Friday, April 16th, 2021, a webinar on Positive Psychology was held within the framework of Erasmus +, entitled "Be the best you - Positive Psychology in practice”. 

The webinar was organized by the 3rd Primary School of Dionysos and was attended by teachers from all the collaborating schools of the project “Change your Lifestyle”. 

The webinar was held by Niki Liva, Psychologist-Psychotherapist. During her presentation, Ms. Liva initially referred to the contribution of Positive Psychology, the improvement of mental resilience, and consequently to the shielding of our mental health. She also presented in detail the characteristics that act as a sedative against mental illness and improve people's life expectancy (courage, optimism, hope, perseverance, work ethic, interpersonal skills, etc.). 

In addition, Ms. Liva presented a comprehensive list of techniques that help reduce stress and negative emotions, thus improving our mental mood and well-being. She focused on the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on human psychology, as well as on how we can maintain a positive mood, emotional balance, and peace of mind during the difficult periods of confinement and isolation imposed by the need for restraint. A discussion about the effect of lockdown and school suspension on the emotional world of children followed. 

The teachers had the opportunity to share their experiences and discuss with the speaker, ways on how to manage difficult emotional situations and reduce stress. All participants agreed that during such a globally uncertain time, in which difficult social conditions contribute to the rapid development of various psychosocial problems in children, adolescents, and adults, changing direction from handling disorders to promoting mental health and life satisfaction is excessively important.

Start date: 16/04/2021

End date: 16/04/2021

Distance Sports Day: Country Hike

 Distance Sports Day: Country Hike


- Our students had a distance sports day. They received the instructions in the virtual classroom. They had to prepare a healthy breakfast that consisted of oatmeal, rice milk, water, fruit, light yogurt, granola, and honey. 

After breakfast they had to go on a long country hike in the surroundings of Sežana. 

Taking into accounts social distancing rules, several trails were recommended by PE teachers. 

Pupils had to use appropriate footwear and equipment and enough food and water. The hike must have lasted at least two hours. Pupils had to measure their heartbeat before the hike, after an hour of walking and immediately after the hike. They had to take pictures during the hike. 

For their homework they had to send the data and pictures to their PE teachers.

Start date: 15/04/2021

End date: 15/04/2021

Sports day

 Sports day


- Sports day at Valencian community. 

On April the 6th all the schools participated in a day plan based on games and sports during the morning. Our school set up 9 games and pre-sports for the 420 pupils of school. 

All teachers took part in the organization also as a referees or a trainers.

Start date: 06/04/2021

End date: 06/04/2021

Easter workout

 Easter workout


- As we all know, at Easter time people eat a lot of meat and sweets that aren’t very healthy. In order to get fit as soon as possible after the Easter break, pupils from the 3rd grade had to do some workout following the instructions of their class teacher. 

They had to throw a dice. Their exercise varied according to the number of spots they got on the dice: number 1: 10 jumps to the left/right, number 2: 10 sit-ups, number 3: 10 bunny jumps, number 4: 10 frog jumps, number 5: 10 squats, number 6: 10 pushups.

Start date: 05/04/2021

End date: 05/04/2021

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Bicycle day

Bicycle day 


- Bicycle day. In collaboration with Cycling Federation we spent a day outside school. 

The aim of the activity is to run along the bike paths respecting people walking and traffic signals. 

Cycling Federation brings 50 bicycles for the students of each level.

Start date: 01/03/2021

End date: 31/03/2021




- 25th January 2021 – 8th March 2021 – HUG THE WORLD WITH STEPS 

In January 2021 we started an activity entitled Hug the World with Steps (Objemimo svet s koraki in Slovene). Pupils were on distance learning. The main purpose of the activity was to encourage children to do some physical exercise during lockdown. As children spent most part of the school year on distance learning, a huge problem emerged: lack of physical exercise. This is why our school decided to spice up our everyday life and spend some time in the open air doing exercise. 

Our aim was to walk together the distance of the circumference of Earth, which is 40, 075 kilometers. All students and their families (siblings, parents, grandparents) and teachers with their families took part in the challenge. P.E. teachers recommended to do this activity several times a week. In those hard times maintaining contact with nature was of utmost importance. Walking is a sports activity that everyone can afford. Teachers recommended students to use different trails and to measure the length of the distance walked by application on their smartphone, such as Sports Tracker for example or a smart watch. P.E. teachers made a collective Excell chart that summarized the walked kilometers for all the teachers. 

The distances were summed up with the distance of the children. 

The activity started in January 2021 and finished in March 2021. The collective distance was published on the school's website. 

The activity was marked on the 18th of March with a ceremony when we celebrate the so-called School day. The response of the children, teachers, parents and grandparents was great and they praised this activity very much. 

As the goal was achieved sooner than planned, we decided to continue with the activity and hug the world from the North to the South Pole and walk for another 40, 007 kilometers. The event had a huge response on the main Slovene national media and there was a video about this activity in the Slovenian news on the national channel Slovenija 1. Teachers Andreja Gulič and Matej Maver, authors of this activity, were nominated for the Personality of the Year on the local radio station Radio Koper.

Start date: 25/01/2021

End date: 08/03/2021

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Zoom lesson “Nutrition and Physical Activity tips for Staying Healthy in a Quarantined World”

 Zoom lesson “Nutrition and Physical Activity tips for Staying Healthy in a Quarantined World”


- The aim of that lesson was to provide recommendations for staying healthy at home during periods of confinement. We also created an animated film with general advice for staying healthy during isolation and quarantine. 

The session ended with a conversation, to arrive to the conclusion that a well-balanced diet and adequate levels of physical activity can prevent possible negative effects of the quarantine due to Covid-19 on our physical and mental health. 

Regular physical activity at home during this period not only keeps us in shape, maintaining our fitness levels, but it can also give our days a routine and be a way to stay in contact with family and friends during the pandemic, reducing the risk of depression and improving overall positive feelings. 

These days of confinement are undoubtedly a difficult, though temporary, period for everyone. However, they are still part of our lives. 

Thus, we must change and adapt our lifestyle, so that we make them worthwhile and take the most out of each moment and each day.

Start date: 23/02/2021

End date: 23/02/2021

Race to collect money

 Race to collect money


- Every February we set a race to collect money for the NGO “Save the children”. 

Families come to school and pay some coins for every lap their children do around the school. 

After that we send the money to the NGO and we get a poster from them with the amount of money.

Start date: 01/02/2021

End date: 28/02/2021

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Zoom lesson “Let’s improve our ICT and linguistic skills”

 Zoom lesson 

“Let’s improve our ICT and linguistic skills”


Start date: 21/01/2021

End date: 21/01/2021