Tuesday, May 31, 2022

European Games Festival

 European Games Festival


- We organized several game stations, and Erasmus beneficiaries of C4 learnt other students to play European games.(more then 200 students and 10 teachers)

Start date: 31/05/2022

End date: 31/05/2022

Europe Tastes Festival in Romania

 Europe Tastes Festival in Romania

Beneficiaries of C4 prepared traditional European recipes, helped by their parents. 

They created ppts showing how they cooked the food. Daniela Bălănucă, the nutritionist invited to our event, explained the importance of healthy cooking. 

She advised us how to modify some recipes for being healthier.

Start date: 18/05/2022

End date: 18/05/2022










Seminar given by a dietitian

 Seminar given by a dietitian


- As a preparation for C5, teachers of school attended an online seminar given by a dietitian (mum of a girl of school). 

She gave us some strategies to prepare the daily meals in order to take the best benefits of every nutrient. She also presented the advantages of buying local products to local sellers near school.

Start date: 16/05/2022

End date: 16/05/2022

Sports Day: Athletics all-around

 Sports Day: Athletics all-around


- Pupils from 6th to 9th grade had an athletics all-around. They competed in long jump, high jump, 100 meters, 400 meters and vortex throw. 

Pupils competed in a group according to the year in which they were born. 

They spent a day in a healthy competition, supporting each other and learning that it’s not important to win, but to participate and to give one’s best.

Start date: 16/05/2022

End date: 16/05/2022




- We organized outdoor festival ( kite, skateboard, biking, play games) in SEKA PARK with pupils and parents ( 200 pupils &150 parents )

Start date: 15/05/2022

End date: 19/05/2022

Europe Day

 Europe Day


- We celebrated Day watching ppt, videos about European symbols, values. We created collaborative posters.

Start date: 09/05/2022

End date: 09/05/2022

Europe Tastes Festival and C4 preparation

 Europe Tastes Festival and C4 preparation

-"Europe Tastes Festival” in each school (prior to the international festival to be held in Spain during pupils exchange). 

Pupils used their knowledge acquired during e-learning activities and present cooked food with parents help. A competition for the most balanced weekly menu according to the diet Pyramid. Creation of quizzes and crosswords on principles of healthy diet, using simple e-learning applications. 

Slovenian and Spain schools were responsible. 

-Preparing for LTTA in Spain; students got in contact with host families via email.

Start date: 02/05/2022

End date: 20/05/2022

Monday, May 30, 2022

C5 - “Europe Tastes Festival” 23 – 27/05/2022, Valencia, Spain

 C5 - “Europe Tastes Festival”

23 – 27/05/2022, Valencia, Spain

 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

        The educational purpose of this LTTA mobility in Spain was to provide an efficient training to the participants (teachers and students) in terms of acquiring knowledge related to Mediterranean diet, local food, healthy habits, and to improve their skills, identify new different tastes and flavours in collaboration with local partners. During the 5 days of the training period, participants shared their experiences participating in country mixed groups. They also practiced communication in English, improving their communication skills.

            The week started with an official opening on Monday 23rd of May 2022 at 9 o’clock at the Petxina complex of sports and education. We had special guests from the City Hall and Local educational authorities. Valencian tradition and culture were shown to the assistants. We played the game “Who is who” for teachers and students. This icebreaking game show the participants the importance of knowing their special abilities that make us all feel special. 
 During the evening, teachers of 5th and 6th grades organized the workshop “Interactive groups”. This is one of the international successful educational actions of the research project named INCLUDE-ED, Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. Every class was divided in 4 groups. Every group had at least one teacher. 
        Tuesday, 24th MAY 2022, started with a Masterc hef contest at school canteen. The four groups (red, yellow, blue and green) had to prepare two healthy breakfasts. In a second row the groups had 20 minutes to follow, step by step, one apple cake recipe. 
After midmorning break, we participated in a seminar by the Valencia football club doctor Mr. Antonio Fernández Gere. At 15:30 hours all the participants went to the close Turia river park to participate in a photographic gymkhana. There were 4 different routes set with 10 pictures every. 
On Wednesday, 25th MAY 2022, we visited a craftsmen place where the “Fallas” monuments are made. The guides told us every step of the process, from the first draft ideas to the painting time. 
After lunch we visited the Valencia Fallas Craftmen Museum. All of us enjoyed watching a videopresentation about Fallas local festival (recognized by the UNESCO as World Heritage Festival). Finally, we saw some figures that craftsmen saved from Fallas from many years ago.
    On Thursday, 26th MAY 2022, the session was dedicated to visit the Oceanogràfic Aquarium. The Erasmus visitors could appreciate the worldwide wildlife of the oceans. From lunchtime on, all the groups had free time to enjoy the Valencia city center.
On Friday, 27th MAY 2022, the Farewell ceremony took place at school. Certifications and signature time for all the participants. After a break, Spanish school students performed a “mascletà” with plastic bottles of water and sand. Before and after that, a musical group “charanga” played some Valencian typical songs while all the participants from Spanish school and Erasmus danced together.
The current training event was totally designed by Spanish Erasmus team with the aim of making all the participants interact since the first to the last minute. Each participant got a customized identity card with their name and team colour. And all the activities were set based on team-coloured groups. We also selected 40 Spanish students (who had been very active participating in the project) and mixed with our Erasmus participants, in order to help them know each other better and earlier. During this mobility we build further on the cooperation basis and the valuable experience we created in the previous mobilities.


Sunday, May 22, 2022



Ziua Europeană a Sportului Școlar (European School Sport Day) a avut o rezonanță aparte la nivelul unităților de învățământ sucevene. Printre acestea se numără și Școala Gimnazială Nr. 4 Suceava, care a marcat acest eveniment printr-o serie de manifestări specifice, vineri, 24 septembrie 2021.

Pentru toți cei implicați, elevi și cadre didactice ale școlii, ziua a debutat în ritm antrenant de dans, cu un Flash Mob, moment urmat de diverse activități cu caracter sportiv: ștafete, jocuri și întreceri.

Obiectivele activităților organizate și coordonate de profesoara de educație fizică Claudia Adriana Țuca, respectiv profesoara pentru învățământ primar Mirela Mazilu, au fost atinse cu succes. Printre acestea, se evidențiază oferirea oportunității, pentru elevii îndrumați, de a practica sportul într-un mod plăcut și distractiv.

Nu în ultimul rând, manifestările generate de această celebrare a sportului școlar, inițiate și derulate cu mult entuziasm la Școala Gimnazială Nr.4 Suceava, au promovat sănătatea și incluziunea socială prin sport, importante deziderate europene ale societății contemporane.    

Ziua Europeană a Sportului Școlar (ESSD) este o zi dedicată distracției, jocului, promovării activității fizice și a sănătății pentru toți cei din mediul școlar. Aceasta a fost sărbătorită vineri, 24 septembrie 2021, în întreaga Europă. ESSD este deschisă oricărui tip de activitate fizică care are ca scop încurajarea copiilor să fie activi timp de cel puțin 120 de minute pe zi.

Citeşte mai mult pe Monitorul de Suceava: https://www.monitorulsv.ro/Local/2018-10-01/Ziua-Europeana-a-Sportului-Scolar-la-Scoala-Gimnaziala-Nr-4-Suceava#ixzz7U0DesFIt
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