Tuesday, November 30, 2021

School camp (called School in Nature in Slovenian)

 School camp (called School in Nature in Slovenian)

The camp took place in Gorenje nad Zrečami, near Maribor. 

Pupils had several workshops about the importance of pristine drinking water on the ecosystem. 

They specified the animals and plants in the brook, they measured the pH of the soil and they thought about the influence of inanimate factors on different organisms. 

They learnt a lot about the importance of pristine water on the preservation of the living species not only in water, but also in the ground and elsewhere. 

They had a workshop entitled “Feel the Nature” where they did various experiments where they learnt many natural laws. 

Pupils also took part in a long, 15-kilometre hike.

Start date: 22/11/2021

End date: 26/11/2021

Dissemination of C5

 Dissemination of C5

- reports on the LTTA in Turkey, participants' diaries on eTwinning platform; 

- exhibition of the work done in transnational teams (Erasmus + boards);

-updating project's website;  

-uploading schools' websites. 

-dissemination in local newspaper, social media

Spain: Dissemination of Turkish mobility

Start date: 15/11/2021

End date: 30/11/2021

Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

Monday, 8th November 2021: 

Welcome ceremony. A cultural meeting at the school conference hall with the presentations of all partners.

Performance of traditional song: host pupils with the help of host teachers chose one traditional song which they presented to guests. 

- Preparing the games festival, learning rules, making mixed teams The opening ceremony began with cultural programme followed by presentation of the traditional games. Turkish pupils (Classes:2I-2F) showed their choreography. Afterwards, the guests visited the school and attended the classes ( 1G- 3C- 4H ).

Teachers attended the pupils workshops. The workshop (flash mob) was conducted by Ayse MIRZAOGLU. At the same time, the pupils had physical activities in Gym. 

Tuesday, 9th November 2021, Pupils attended a seminar given by a local partner of the Turkish NGO, which provided information at an extended level about active leisure and integration of sports activities in everyday life. The all groups visited the Ormanya Park natural forest for tracking. 

Wednesday, 10th November 2021: Games dictionary. The pupils prepared, at home, Power point presentation about traditional games and they presented 8 games during activity called Game Dictionary . All partners agreed about which games should be in the dictionary and they noticed that some games have variation in each country. We decided to add this variations in our dictionary. Thursday, 11th November 2021: "Europe's games festival". After demonstrating how to play the games, pupils played each partners' traditional games in an international competition, in the gym. Pupils made mixed teams combining all partner schools. 

Friday, 12th November 2021: LTTA conclusions and evaluation; feedback forms filled in. 

Farewell ceremony, Europass Mobility Documents and certificates awarded.

Start date: 08/11/2021

End date: 12/11/2021

Preparations for C5

 Preparations for C5

-preparing for LTTA in Turkey; 

-pupils documentation and researches on traditional and childhood games of each country. 

Pupils interviewed parents, elder people from local communities, visited sports clubs, libraries and work on internet to identify traditional games. 

They worked during sports, ICT, foreign language courses. 

Each school pupils elaborated videos and power points with games rules to be posted on the project web page and eTwinning learning platform. 

The Turkish school made a joint e-book "European Games Festival". Turkish and Greek school coordinated.

Start date: 01/10/2021

End date: 05/11/2021




- “Healthy lifestyle” seminars on ZOOM meeting by nutritionist from İzmit SEKA State Hospital ( 200 pupils & 250 parents)

Start date: 18/11/2020

End date: 19/11/2020

Monday, November 15, 2021

C4 - “European Games Festival” 8 - 12/11/2021, Kocaeli, Turkey

 C4 - “European Games Festival”

8 - 12/11/2021, Kocaeli, Turkey

        The educational goal of the short-term exchange of groups of pupils event in Turkey was to promote a healthy lifestyle through games, dance and physical exercises among pupils. 

Monday, 8th November 2021: Welcome ceremony. A cultural meeting at the school conference hall with the presentations of all partners. Performance of traditional song: host pupils with the help of host teachers  choose one traditional song which they  presented to guests, preparing the games festival, learning rules, making mixed teams.

The opening ceremony began with cultural program followed by presentation of the traditional games. Turkish pupils (Classes:2I-2F) showed their choreography. Afterwards, the guests visited the school and attended the classes ( 1G- 3C- 4H ). Teachers attended the pupils workshops. The workshop (flash mob) was conducted by Ayse MIRZAOGLU. At the same time, the pupils had physical activities in Gym. 

        Tuesday, 9th November 2021, Pupils attended a seminar given by a local partner of the Turkish NGO, which provided information at an extended level about active leisure and integration of sports activities in everyday life. The all groups visited the Ormanya Park natural forest for trekking.
        Wednesday, 10th November 2021: Games dictionary. The  pupils prepared, at home, power point presentation about traditional games and they presented 8 games during activity called Game Dictionary. All partners agreed about which games should be in the dictionary and they noticed that some games have variation in each country. We decided to add this variations in our dictionary.
        Thursday, 11th November 2021: "Europe's games festival". After demonstrating how to play the games, pupils played each partners' traditional games in an international competition, in the gym. Pupils made mixed teams combining all partner schools.
Friday, 12th November 2021: LTTA conclusions and evaluation; feedback forms  filled in. Farewell ceremony, Europass Mobility Documents and certificates awarded.
This training event has given us the opportunity to live a wonderful and learning experience which has created a bridge among Turkish pupils and the pupils from the participating countries different cultures.