Sunday, February 28, 2021

Zoom lesson “Nutrition and Physical Activity tips for Staying Healthy in a Quarantined World”

 Zoom lesson “Nutrition and Physical Activity tips for Staying Healthy in a Quarantined World”


- The aim of that lesson was to provide recommendations for staying healthy at home during periods of confinement. We also created an animated film with general advice for staying healthy during isolation and quarantine. 

The session ended with a conversation, to arrive to the conclusion that a well-balanced diet and adequate levels of physical activity can prevent possible negative effects of the quarantine due to Covid-19 on our physical and mental health. 

Regular physical activity at home during this period not only keeps us in shape, maintaining our fitness levels, but it can also give our days a routine and be a way to stay in contact with family and friends during the pandemic, reducing the risk of depression and improving overall positive feelings. 

These days of confinement are undoubtedly a difficult, though temporary, period for everyone. However, they are still part of our lives. 

Thus, we must change and adapt our lifestyle, so that we make them worthwhile and take the most out of each moment and each day.

Start date: 23/02/2021

End date: 23/02/2021

Race to collect money

 Race to collect money


- Every February we set a race to collect money for the NGO “Save the children”. 

Families come to school and pay some coins for every lap their children do around the school. 

After that we send the money to the NGO and we get a poster from them with the amount of money.

Start date: 01/02/2021

End date: 28/02/2021