Monday, December 30, 2019

Christmas and traditional recipes

 Christmas and traditional recipes


- we searched for traditional, healthy Slovenian recipes. Pupils did some research within the local community, during elective subjects at school, the school library and on the Internet and created a collection of healthy recipes from each Slovenian region. 


- The Christmas school celebration was alternative, different and particularly special... Our participation in the Erasmus+ project "Change your lifestyle" gave as the opportunity to choose a theater play related to healthy eating "The fruit and vegetable revolution". We also prepared a booklet in English with Greek Christmas traditions. 


- We organized activities related with project topic: traditional Christmas recipes( students made videos cooking with their parents, made researches about traditional food). The nutritionist, Daniela Bălănucă learnt us about healthy eating principles during Christmas meals.

Start date: 18/12/2019

End date: 23/12/2019


Celebrating the International Day for People with Disabilities

 Celebrating the International Day for People with Disabilities

Greece and Romania: 

• Discussions about Diversity. 

• Playing a game for visually impaired people (Goalball) Spain: ONCE (Spanish National Organisation for Blind people) organized a talk to our students. David Casinos (the best blind shot putter in the world) came to school to encourage our students showing some motivating videos about blind people and their achievements.

Start date: 03/12/2019

End date: 03/12/2019

Dissemination C2, project management issues

 Dissemination C2, project management issues

- reports on the LTTA in Slovenia, participants' diaries on eTwinning platform; 

- Pupils reported information to their school mates:

- Exhibition of the work done in transnational teams (Erasmus + boards); 

- updating project's website; 

- uploading schools' websites.

Start date: 02/12/2019

End date: 20/12/2019