C1 – “The importance of eating and sports in our life”,
16 - 18/10/2019, Suceava, Romania
The educational goal of the Training event in Romania was to enrich teachers’ healthy diet and active life skills. They learnt how to live a healthy life by getting to know and practice some sports and sport activities, they explored food ingredients and create their own nutrition boxes in an intercultural environment and team work learning. They also practiced communication in English, improving their communication skills.
On Wednesday morning (16/10/2019) it was the official opening. We had special guests from City Hall, County School Inspectorate, Public Health, University “Ștefan cel Mare“ Suceava, Private Nutrition Office. They talked about their experience and partnership with our school during introductory session. The participants from Romania, Turkey, Slovenia, Greece and Spain had a brief presentation of their country, school, food (PPT, video) and their educational system.
We debated the issue of Health Education in School Curriculum. Afterwards we accompanied the morning sport and we visited the school.
For two hours they watched practical examples of teaching in school (Example of good practices). They assisted to lessons: “Foods of vegetable origin in fresh state: vegetables, fruits” held by Technological Education Teacher Rogoz Elena, 5th A, and ”Active play”, 3rd D, Physical Education Teacher Claudia Țuca.
After lunch we had reflections on the lesson (methods, strategies, teaching materials) and we presented our own experience in Health Education (group working). We celebrated “World Food Day”, talking about the importance of this day and distributing leaflets to the students. Oral evaluation of the activities closed the day.
We started second day of the training event, Thursday (17/10/2019), with an Ice breaking session, followed by evaluation of the previous day session. We present scientific facts about “The importance of eating in our life” and “Steps for changing your lifestyle”.
A workshop was held: “How to prepare healthy nutrition boxes”. Participants chose healthy food for their nutrition boxes and a nutritionist evaluated their choice (quantity and combination of food).
We watched practical examples of teaching in school/Example of good practices by assisting to lesson: “My healthy lifestyle” held by Primary Teacher Oltita Voroniuc, 3rd B. We had brief debate/reflections on the lesson (methods, strategies, teaching materials).
The “Healthy Lifestyle – The importance of sport in our life” Workshop took place University Gym.
Because Romanian students attend swimming class every Thursday, we assisted to a swimming lesson, at the Swimming Pool and Kinetotherapy Complex of University ”Ștefan cel Mare” Suceava held by conf. univ. dr. Elena Vizitiu.
The third day, Friday (18/10/2019), started with Ice breaking held by the English Teacher Ciupu Mariana and was followed by the assessment of the previous day session. “Healthy Happy Habits” workshop and “Mind mapping Europe“ group working were held by primary teacher Mirela Mazilu.
Evaluation of the training event C1 consisted in making practical models of activities to teach healthy lifestyle in school, offered by participants (group working). Last event was the Ceremony of awarding Certificates and Europass Mobility Documents.
This training event has given us the opportunity to live a wonderful and learning experience which has created a bridge among different cultures and besides this, it has conveyed not only a healthy lifestyle, but also the importance to know the English and to improve it.